Why trauma?
Trauma crosses all socioeconomic, racial and gender lines, and the case numbers are growing exponentially each year as unemployment, recession and global conflicts take their toll on people’s mental health. The statistics in Texas are especially alarming, and decreases in federal funding only exacerbate the matter, as our state and local governments are forced to foot the enormous tab for the inevitable repeated hospitalizations, incarcerations, ER visits, homeless services and foster care required for those who are suffering without adequate treatment.
Answering the call for specialized trauma treatment.
In a mental health system stretched beyond capacity, too few clinicians struggle to make a positive difference in the lives of an ever-growing clientele. Add to this fact the reality that graduate education in mental health provides no specialty education in traumatology. This large body of research-based knowledge and practice must be obtained after graduation, and the Houston-Galveston Trauma Institute proudly serves as one of the few places in the country offering such specialized education and expertise.